
I hail from the town of Bogra, home to the ancient capital of Pundrabordhon in Bangladesh. The Md in my name stands for Mohammad. I grew up in a family that appreciates the value of a good education. With their hard work, support and my dedication I was able to get into the best educational institution of the country, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and became the first person to go to a university in my family lineage.

I have always been intrigued by seemingly unrelated fields working together in unexpected ways to solve the great problems that humankind faces today. Like the innovation of 50 cent microscope which cuts down the cost of disease disgnostic to a level that people can afford who are plagued by water born diseases in underdeveloped places. Like the innovation of Reinforcement Learning which makes machine think like humans. Like the idea of having bacteria function like transistor in Synthetic Biology. Like the idea of using DNA as memory device. Or like the idea of building biologically equivalent brain in semiconductor circuits.

In my undergrad I worked in Electromagnetic Metamaterials. But the field of Neuromorphic Engineering attracted me more. So I decided to pursue PhD in this field.

This website serves as a way to let others know about my work. This is also a place where I keep my notes and ideas for my own refrennce. Please visit my blog section. You may find some ideas as interesting as I found them to be. I built this website using Jekyll theme Minimal Mistakes which is hosted in GitHub pages for free. I slightly modified the theme to fit my purpose. I used some images from unsplash which are also free.