
nmos vs pmos amps

1 minute read

Unity gain followers help us measure on chip signals by providing large currents. It also helps in isolating the measurement device node and the actual on ch...

Reviewer Comments

3 minute read

Types of reviewer comments on submitted manuscripts. Things reviwers are looking for in an article for it to be accepted.

Neural Network to Matrix

2 minute read

Basics For a set of basis functions \(B=\{\Phi_1, \Phi_2\}\) in \(R^3\) any vector \(v\) in the plane spanned by the basis is expressed by linear combination...

Running Spectre Simulation from Python

4 minute read

Running Virtuoso Spectre simulation using OCEAN scripts can be very powerful way to get much out of the simulator. But OCEAN scripts are written in SKILL syn...

A Different Way to Look at Diff Amp

2 minute read

Lets look at inverter. For rail to rail input voltage pulse the invert outputs inverted rail to rail voltage pulse. When input is at ground, PMOS is active (...

Change of Basis

2 minute read

Any n-tuples/vectors in a vector space can be expressed as a sum of scaled basis vectors. The scaling factors are the coordinates of that vector. Lets say t...

Using Crontab

1 minute read

My university workstation is a red hat desktop. It has only one hard disk of 1TB. However, I only get 25GB disk quota for home space. The OS uses all of the ...

Closer Look at Slopes

6 minute read

This article is here to help formulate differential equation from verbal description of a system using the idea of slope. Lets first visit the idea of two va...

Eulers Number \(e\) and Exponential Growth

3 minute read

One of the most important number in mathematics the constant \(e\) that we use as base of natural logarithm, solution to differential equations and even in c...

Cadence Virtuoso

5 minute read

Although school IT dept would generally provide the starting script for cadence virtuoso, I have devised my own way of making the startscript to start virtuo...

Order From Chaos

2 minute read

I was quite taken aback when I saw it for the first time. How can the randomness of any activity can lead to strikingly ordered outcome? The reality that we ...

Feedback Sytem

3 minute read

Feedback system is an important concept in engineering priciples. A good uderstanding of the process helps build intuition of any process involving feedback ...

Why \(0!=1\)?

2 minute read

It is one of those topics that makes sense when I learn it. But as time passes by suddenly it stops to make sense. And I find myself asking the question that...

Recovering Flash Drive Capacity

2 minute read

I usually use my pen-drive/flash-drive to do fresh install of operating systems on my laptop. I would use a ISO burner tool to burn OS ISO on the flash drive...

Linear Discriminant Analysis

3 minute read

For class label \(C \in \{ 1,2, \cdots K \}\) and feature vector \(X \in \mathbb{R}^p\) the classification problem can be described as the probability of a c...

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Road Trip to The Grand Canyon++ (Part 3)

2 minute read

December 29, 2017. We were out for our final stage of the tour. South Rim was three and a half hour away from Kingman. Just an hour before our destination th...

Road Trip to The Grand Canyon++ (Part 2)

2 minute read

It was December 28, 2017. The morning was bright with a very comfortable weather at Kingman Arizona. Just within an hour we reached Hoover Dam. An impressive...

Road Trip to The Grand Canyon++ (Part 1)

5 minute read

The daylight hadn’t hit the morning sky yet. But there was a dream beaming in the minds of five people as bright as daylight. Aiming for a long long road ahe...

The Mighty Niagara Falls

less than 1 minute read

Straddling the United States and Canadian border with New York on one side and Ontario on the other a river cuts through unyeilding rocks with all its might,...

ইতিহাসের এক টুকরো

3 minute read

১৯৩৯ সাল। গোটা বিশ্ব তখন ধ্বংসের মাতাল খেলায় উন্মত্ত। জার্মানির আক্সিস ফোর্স তখন অপ্রতিরোদ্ধ শক্তির মত খেলার মাঠ দাপিয়ে বেড়াচ্ছে। আর্টিলারি শক্তি তো আছেই। জা...

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আবোল তাবোল

6 minute read

ধনধান্য পুষ্প ভরা আমাদের এই বসুন্ধরা তাহার মাঝে আছে দেশ এক সকল দেশের সেরা ও সে স্বপ্ন দিয়ে তৈরি সে দেশ স্মৃতি দিয়ে ঘেরা এমন দেশটি কোথাও খুঁজে পাবে নাকো ত...

Carpe Diem (Existential Crisis 2)

2 minute read

What is the meaning of life? Is there any divine purpose set by a higher being that we are too busy to recognize? Do we live for ourselves? Or do we live for...

Library of Babel (Existential Crisis 1)

2 minute read

Have you ever had one of those moments when your mind struggles to conceive the very reality of the foundation we live in? Of course you have. Every one of u...

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Fish Riddle

3 minute read

I found this riddle in a TEDEd vieo. The reason I am including it here is that it is one of those problems that helped me learn to put together simple tools ...

We Are What We Eat

less than 1 minute read

In these days of Hi-Tech world with thouch of modernism influcencing almost all aspects of our lives, we (or at least me) do not put much thought about how w...

World War II

less than 1 minute read

A useful infographics on the casualties of world war II and trend of conflicts since earliest documented cases to this day. More information on this project...

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